

Monitoring indicators

With the aim of verifying the progress and status of implementation and diffusion of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) on the national territory and in agreement with the Regions, indicators have been defined which allow us to represent the complete scenario of implementation and diffusion of the EHR.

Specifically, monitoring activities are divided into two distinct groups of indicators: Availability of documents and services and Use.


Electronic Health Record: documents and services 

To have an overview of the implementation of the EHR, periodic monitoring information is available. Specifically, you can view:

  • the availability of the types of health documents that the citizens of the individual Regions/Autonomous Provinces can find in their EHR;
  • the availability of health services made accessible to citizens in the EHR portals of the individual Regions/Autonomous Provinces.

Use of the Electronic Health Record by professionals and citizens

Monitoring the use of the EHR is aimed at detecting the real level of use and diffusion of the EHR on the national territory by the main categories of recipients, i.e. citizens and doctors and professionals of healthcare companies.

Specifically, in relation to citizens - at the level of a single region - the following two indicators are available:

  • Citizens who used the Electronic Health Record in the 90 days prior to the survey date - the number of assisted citizens who accessed their EHR at least once compared to the total of assisted individuals for whom at least one document was made available in the 90 days prior to the survey date;
  • Citizens who have expressed consent to the consultation of their documents - the number of assisted citizens who have expressed consent to the consultation of their EHR by doctors and SSN workers compared to the total number of assisted citizens in the Region.

With respect to SSN operators the monitoring of the use of the EHR includes the following indicators:

  • Specialist doctors of healthcare companies authorized for the EHR - the number of medical specialists employed by public healthcare companies authorized for the ESF compared to the total number of the same healthcare company operators;
  • General practitioners (GP) and Pediatricians who have carried out at least one operation on the file in the reference period - the number of doctors (GP and Pediatricians) who have carried out operations on the EHR (including sending the dematerialized prescription) compared to the total number of GP/ Pediatricians authorized for the EHR, in the period under observation.